Darts tactics tool

Select the mean square error of your throw distribution:

Select the eccentricity parameter of your throw distribution :

Select the direction of the long axis of your throw distribution :

Throw parameter calculator

It may be the case, that you do not know the accuracy parameters of your throws. However, you can measure them, and the tool below can help you.

To use it, prepare a sheet of white paper (probably shouldn't be smaller than A3 format) and hang it on your target board. Mark the target spot on the center. Perform a lot of throws aiming at the target (around 50). The throws should leave visible holes in the paper. Do not perform too many throws. Note, that if several throws hit the same spot, you may accidentaly count them as one during the analysis! When you are done, take a photo of your target sheet of paper. Upload the photo below and mark your target and spots hit by darts. To scale your board properly, mark a spot some distance from the target (E.g. corner of the paper sheet). Measure the distance between the target point and marked spot. Provide the distance (in milimeters) it in the input box below. Enjoy calculated parameters of two-axis gaussian distribution of throws. White ellipse marks the smallest possible area, that encompasses 70% of the throws.

Attention: mobile devices may have a problem loading too large images.

1. Upload the photograph of the target board:
2. Select the point you were targetting with your throws. Select this action
3. Select the point, that you know the distance to from your target. Select this action
4. Place (click again to remove) points, that you have hit with your throws. Select this action
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